Everyone knows that strokes and heart attacks are the results of a build-up of cholesterol in the blood vessels. These is the cause of cardiovascular disease. But few people realize that this is just the tip of the iceberg. "Blocked arteries" is the cause of 9 out of 10 chronic diseases that are considered incurable.
Headache and blood pressure spikes. It's hard for you to turn or tilt your neck. The legs swell in the evening, and face swells in the morning. Ringing in the ears. The toes become numb, and the arms and legs freeze, and vision not clear. Memory is getting worse. You have no strength or energy. Many people say that these are signs of aging. But that is not true.
Professor Omondi performed more than 19,200 brain surgeries. The youngest patient was only two days old.
Professor Omondi has the gift of explaining complex processes in simple words. He has written 48 books and teaching aids that people without medical education can understand. He is convinced that blood vessels are responsible for 90% of our health, and our well-being depends on how clean they are
Professor, you've said several times that 90% of your body's health is the responsibility of your blood vessels. Why?
Which organ of the human body is the largest in the body? Few people know the answer. Even those who study medicine are wrong. Some people mention the brain, the liver. The smartest people say it's leather. It's really a vascular system.
Just imagine. If you take and connect all the vessels in the body of a person, their length will be about 100 thousand kilometers.
The length of the equator is 40,000 kilometers. So we can wrap the planet 2.5 times with a rope from the vessels of one person.
What do you think of that?
Blood vessels are not just tubes that carry blood. It is a unique and complex organ, and any damage causes disease.
Blockage of blood vessels in the legs - varicose veins, swelling, feeling of gravity, cold, conversely, severe burning in the feet. Dry and cracked skin on the heels. Blood flow disorder - the protection from bacteria disappears, mycosis appears. The nails are breaking.
Blockage of blood vessels that feed the liver - liver steatosis. When you eat fatty foods, a bitter taste comes into your mouth.
Weakened and blocked vessels that feed joints - damage to cartilage. Joint pain, osteochondrosis, hernia appear.
Bowel vessels lose elasticity - haemorrhoidal knots appear.
The vessels in the eyes - deterioration of the vision. It develops cataracts. The red eyes that we blame for fatigue are usually micro-hemorrhages, cracks of small capillary vessels in the eyes.
Disorders of blood circulation in the brain - dizziness, noise in the ears and loss of memory. Have you ever gone to the kitchen and forgotten what you need there? Or not being able to remember a word. These are signs of deterioration of the cerebral vessels.
Of course, hypertension contributes to this list. Hypertension - Mother of stroke and sister of heart attack
Blood vessels are our source of energy, life flows through them. If this important path is blocked, life will stop.
Blockage of blood vessels means fasting of all organs.
Overweight is directly related to blood vessels. Cholesterol-clogged blood vessels starve organs and do not provide the necessary nutrients. The brain sends a message: "You must eat." And the man eats. But the organs are still not getting the right amount of nutrients because of blockage of the blood vessels. The brain signals again that you have to eat, and this repeats itself endlessly.
Hence the persistent feeling of hunger and strong craving for sweet and fatty foods - the body needs calories.
When my colleagues tell patients, "You have high blood pressure because you are overweight," they confuse cause and effect. Hypertension is not caused by excess weight, but vice versa.
It is impossible to be a healthy and happy person without healthy blood vessels.
That's why I say all the time: if you want a normal life, clean and restore the health of your blood vessels. Cleaning your vessels will save you from 90% of chronic diseases, some of which are considered "incurable".
We all know how dangerous cholesterol is. It clogs the vessels, thins them, affecting the blood flow. But he is not alone
It's true. Cholesterol or "cholesterol plaques" account for approximately 65-70% of impurities in vessels.
At the age of 50, up to 5 kg of cholesterol deposits remain in the body. Cholesterol build-up narrows the diameter of blood vessels by four to five times.
These plaques are not life-threatening. Quality of life is reduced, blood pressure is increased, headaches, back pain, weakness and apathy appear. The mass of clots that accumulates in blood vessels is much more dangerous.
The weight of clots accumulated in vessels is much smaller, only about 800 g - 1 kg. But their danger lies in instability. A clot (blood clot) can at any moment break off and advance further into the bloodstream.
A large clot completely blocks the blood vessel. Ischemia occurs - the organ stops receiving the necessary substances through this vessel.
Ischemic stroke - blockage of cerebral vessels. A heart attack is a blockage in the coronary artery. Liver ischemia, lung collapse, kidney failure. Hemorrhoids are nothing more than ischemia of the rectum. Blockage of the small blood vessels of the feet over time leads to necrosis - gangrene..
Calcium salts in blood vessels are chemical residues of drugs and food additives. In about 50 years, 300 to 400 grams are accumulated. Most calcium salts accumulate in the vessels of the brain. Calcium salts are dangerous in their crystalline structure. Sudden constriction caused by stress, physical exertion or weather conditions leads to vessel spasms, which can cause the sharp crystal to tear the vessel wall. A ruptured brain vessel is a so-called hemorrhagic stroke.
What symptoms indicate that our blood vessels are clogged? How to recognize the signal of the organism: "Urgently clean the vessels!"?
If you are over 45 years old and you have never taken nutraceuticals to clean vessels, I assure you that you have problems with them.
Clogging blood vessels with cholesterol and clots is actually a natural ageing process. Unhealthy foods, medicines, smoking and alcohol speed up the process by 6-8 times. It is a reality we live in and we cannot deny.
This is the main sign of vessel blockage.
If you're diagnosed with hypertension, you can stop looking for symptoms because she's the queen of vascular disease.
Do you have problems with blood pressure? Do you always have high blood pressure and need to take medication? Then you should know that only 30% of the vessel's diameter is preserved. The rest is under cholesterol plaques, blood clots, clots and calcium salts.
So even the slightest stress, a change of weather, magnetic storms immediately affect the well-being. You have high blood pressure, severe headaches, joint pain.
4 diseases caused by blockage of blood vessels:
7 hidden symptoms:
Do you have at least one of these symptoms? Your vessels tell you that they need cleansing and nutrients.
People often have multiple symptoms in different combinations at the same time. Or even all at once.
Patients try to treat each disease separately. Blood pressure pills, varicose ointment, hemorrhoid candles, osteochondrosis gels. And, of course, painkillers, painkillers.
It's just they're throwing a lot of money into the pharmaceutical black hole. But the cause of all vascular diseases is the same - blockage. We need to start with this, with the general cleaning of the vessels.
Please give us professional advice. For example: Grace Achieng, 55 years old, married, overweight, hypertension and varicose veins. She reacts to the change of weather with the accuracy of a barometer - pain in joints, weakness and sleepiness, headaches.
What Grace Achieng can help? How can she clean her vessels if she doesn't want to see a doctor and hear the verdict: "You need to lose weight", "You need to exercise", "You need healthy food", "You are at such an age when it's normal", etc.?
Most drugs and pharmaceuticals don't help, only empty your wallet and make you addictive.
Unfortunately, this is the medical system in Kenya. I fully understand the patient's unwillingness to see a doctor. But Grace Achieng can do everything herself.
I can recommend only one product for safe cleaning of vessels - HyperGuard. HyperGuard extends life for 11-17 years, energizes and gives a feeling of lightness. You will get rid of problems and you will have more strength.
It is 100% natural drops, absolutely safe for the body. The effectiveness of this tool can be compared only with the surgical treatment of vessels. But unlike surgery, it does not cause complications and side effects. In the 1 course, these droplets help to clean the entire human circulatory system - from large arteries to small and fragile capillaries.
HyperGuard are droplets containing plant extracts that activate living particles when they come into contact with water. These little cleaners remove cholesterol mucus from the vessels stuck to the walls of the clots, calcium plaques - drug residues. All elements blocking blood circulation.
The toxic substances that have been plaguing your life for years will be washed away with HyperGuard in just 1.5-2 months of treatment.
In just 6 weeks, HyperGuard helps to dissolve and remove 4,000 g of cholesterol plaques. It helps to soften about 1 kg of clots and helps to wash 350-400 g of calcium salts.
After cleaning the blood vessels, the headache and tinnitus disappear. The brain starts to get enough nutrients to run at the speed of a supercomputer. Thoughts are clear.
The senses grow stronger, you begin to hear pleasant sounds that you have not heard before. Hearing improves, now you can take the conversation out of the other room.
The fragrances become saturated. Nasal congestion, chronic rhinitis and allergies disappear. The cough disappears, the breath becomes smooth and free. The fresh air that fills the lungs is carried around the body in pleasant waves, causing a feeling of light euphoria.
Taste sensations are stronger and deeper. Even ordinary food is an unusual pleasure. You will eat less and become more satisfied. The taste of sweet and fatty foods will disappear.
The joints will say "thank you." There will be no more joint pain, and thanks to the renewal of collagen, the movements will become smoother. This is similar to replacing the engine oil in your vehicle: you have replaced the black liquid containing the pieces of metal with a fresh and clear oil that provides the perfect lubricant.
Impressive. I only know the general facts about nutraceuticals. In Japan and Israel, nutraceuticals are prescribed as the main treatment. However, in Kenya, these products are still viewed with a high degree of skepticism.
I am sure that Grace has already taken hundreds of supplements and pills to avoid spending money on miracle foods with a suspicious reputation.
Let me tell you a story about a lack of trust.
Because of our doubts, we often fail, rejecting what might help us.
In 1928, the first antibiotic, penicillin, was discovered. They were treated for dysentery and typhus, which took many lives at the time.
But most people didn't believe that penicillin would help them, because before that they used thousands of other remedies that didn't help them. Those who had survived a thousand mishaps and were not afraid to try again were healed. And those patients who succumbed to the idea of "another useless cure" died, even though salvation was right under their noses.
Just as penicillin has stopped outbreaks of dysentery, typhoid fever and pulmonary plague, HyperGuard can help eliminate vascular disease. Korea, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, and Israel have already taken the first steps in this direction. Before starting the drug therapy, you need to clean the body with nutraceuticals.
In Kenya, HyperGuard is appointed only to important people: ministers, MPs, celebrities, etc. Israeli products are also used in the treatment, which allows patients to achieve quick results.
The ministry is offering chemical treatment to the remaining patients.
I agree that doubt is our greatest enemy, and I am not afraid to try new things.
Peroxide effect (oxygenation) - accelerating the absorption of molecules due to oxygen enrichment.
Extracts of herbs in the composition of HyperGuard after saturation with moisture and oxygen acquire the effect of hydrogen peroxide - the process of oxygenation.
Thus, the product molecules can be compared to small oxygen cylinders. They cause the rupture of cholesterol blocks in the blood vessels and purify the blood flow.
That's why HyperGuard is so effective, because the reception of live extracts works in active mode. While most products contain dead and inactive molecules.
The peroxide effect ensures the immediate absorption of living molecules. Oxygen-enriched plant extracts are easily absorbed by the walls of the oesophagus. Therefore, HyperGuard does not cause heartburn, bitterness, burps, does not irritate the intestines and protects the stomach. Also suitable for patients with stomach ulcers.
HyperGuard is a treasure trove of medicinal extracts that work harmoniously in helping blood vessels to gain purity and elasticity.
Hawthorn fruit extract helps to remove excess cholesterol. The molecules of hawthorn help remove cholesterol particles attached to the walls of blood vessels. After cleaning the vessels, the passage is cleared for free circulation. The organs receive nutrients. The cartilage returns elasticity, is filled with water and oxygen, triggering the mechanism of automatic recovery. The "crunch" disappears when the neck is turned. Knees and toes stop hurting for every change of weather.
The swelling disappears. Your feet don't swell anymore, even if you walk all day.
Blood flow in the skin is restored - visible veins disappear. The varicose veins are gradually disappearing, the hemorrhoidal knots are drying out.
The molecules in the motherwort trap the cholesterol particles and mix with them, turning them into useful high-density lipoproteins, helping to break down fats.
HyperGuard solves two problems: it helps to get rid of cholesterol and helps to stimulate fat burning. Once you get rid of cholesterol, you start to feel a rush of energy, you have a need to move, you feel like you can roll up mountains.
Hop fruit extract helps detect blood clots in blood vessels and helps intensively to dilate blood, ensuring its free circulation through blood vessels and arteries. The extract helps to break down clots, clots and even small aneurysms. It helps to wash the remnants of drugs out of blood vessels.
After cleaning the vessels, the pressure in the chest disappears and you can breathe easily. The pulse is normal. Arrhythmias and tachycardia will no longer be disturbed, and you will not have sudden pains in the heart. The risk of heart attack is zero
The extract of the field horsetail acts as a "patch" - it helps to effectively strengthen and restore the walls of the vessels and helps to eliminate all microdamage.
Once the vessels are cleaned, the brain cells are nourished and intensely oxygenated, which reliably protects against stroke, improves intellectual activity and clarifies consciousness.
HyperGuard is similar to the movement of butterfly wings, which causes a chain reaction full of incredible events. HyperGuard, starting with the step-by-step recycling of vascular waste accumulated over decades, helps to start a chain reaction of regeneration of the body.
1 month of HyperGuard is like being born again
In the morning, you wake up and easily get out of bed without waiting for your legs, back and neck to become numb.
In the morning, the body is full of energy and strength, because the blood vessels are completely clean, and the organs get food and rest during the night. The whole body was properly supplied with blood and gathered strength for the new day.
You eat a slice of bread and butter and an omelette for breakfast, and your liver and stomach take them well. You no longer have bitterness or acute stomach pain.
When you leave the house, you do not need to worry about your feet - they will easily cope, even if you walk all day, they do not tire and do not swell. Shoes and socks leave no marks on the feet.
You are calm and relaxed. The constant pain that clouded your consciousness and prevented you from focusing has disappeared. When you're not in pain, you're more intensely aware of familiar things, sounds, and smells.
Even after a hard day's work, you come home with a clear head. The brain works with precision Swiss watch, you absolutely do not feel tired.
As soon as you go to bed, you fall asleep. Not like it used to be when midnight looked up in the ceiling and couldn't sleep. Now it's simple - you decide when you want to fall asleep, and the body immediately responds.
- As far as I know, HyperGuard is not sold in pharmacies. Why?
It's all about the greed of the pharmacists. Pharmacy managers proposed a condition - to introduce an additional charge from the account of the manufacturer for each unit of goods sold. So they wanted to get huge product premiums.
On the other hand, pharmaceutical companies believe that this price is justified, because patients need to complete only 1 course of HyperGuard every 5-7 years. And after cleaning the vessels, they no longer need the drugs they need to take for years! Thus, demand for many pharmaceutical products will plummet, and pharmacies will suffer losses. It was for this reason that they tried to delay the price of these drops too much.
The manufacturer HyperGuard did not enter into a contract with pharmacies, and the drops are sold only on the Internet. And that's the right choice! They don't have to pay rent or overpay pharmacies so they can put the product up for sale. Patients, in turn, can buy HyperGuard at a significantly lower price. And that means that drops are available to more people!
"Clean vessels Discount Programme"
Our institute in cooperation with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, as well as the manufacturer HyperGuard within the framework of the telemedicine project (online products) launched a discount program.
All those who wish to participate in the program can get HyperGuard at the new reduced price for only 6200 KES
What do I need to do to participate in the program?
To order HyperGuard under the discount program, you must meet the following conditions:
How long will the discount program last?
Until the current HyperGuard game is over. This means that in about 3-6 weeks. Although there are no advertisements on television and radio. Patients helped by the drug recommend the product to friends and relatives. It was also a surprise to us when we found out that HyperGuard was selling out so quickly.
I recommend that you place an order for HyperGuard as soon as possible. This year the program will not be repeated.
WARNING: A manufacturer's special offer is available. Don't miss the opportunity to get HyperGuard at a 50% discount!
HURRY UP! Promotion packs will run out soon.
Update: Only 25 units left on 06.02.2025.
Fill out the form, and our specialist will call you as soon as possible. Courier will deliver your order to your home, payment upon receipt.
HyperGuard is the best product! At first, I took other drugs that were advertised in our country. I know these drugs are overrated. But I don't like going to the doctors, and I thought my problem wasn't that serious. I took them from time to time when I had high blood pressure and chest pains. But after a while, they stopped helping. Eventually, I consulted a doctor, and he recommended HyperGuard (he was a young specialist, one of those people who believed that the pharmacy should help people, not take as much money from them as possible!). HyperGuard helped me from the first day - my blood pressure dropped immediately, but I continued to take it as prescribed by the doctor. Three weeks later, I forgot about hypertension. I cured varicose, which tormented me for 11 years! I had gynecological problems, which also disappeared. I feel great!"
Abena Boateng
Thank you! I had time to buy at a discount. I'll try
Why doesn't the state give away this product in hospitals for free?
Esi Asante
What to say, I have always been admired by people who live at the expense of others! I get the impression that everyone owes them! When I realized that I needed HyperGuard, I didn't think much! I immediately borrowed money and bought it! And some are sorry, and they are waiting for discounts! Shame!
You shouldn't judge others. You don't know their position! Maybe they're disabled and they can't work. Where do they get the money to pay back the debt?
Recently, her mother felt her fingers numb, and her friend, a doctor, advised her to clean her blood vessels. I accidentally found out about HyperGuard. Immediately bought these herbal drops. Very soon I noticed the first positive results, in a few days she changed skin color, significantly improved appearance of hair, nails and general condition of the body, in 15 days almost ceased to numb fingers. Within a month and a half, the numbness had completely disappeared and the pressure had returned to normal. She feels much better, is more awake, her memory has improved, her joints are no longer aching even in the weather.
Yaa Antwi
I immediately bought HyperGuard because of the pressure, because every night I had a headache, and even the painkillers did not help. I later learned that the pain was caused by hypertension. A former colleague recommended me HyperGuard, I managed to buy it at a discount. After 2 months I became a completely different person! Then I realized that I didn't really live until I cleaned my blood vessels! My head doesn't hurt anymore, varicose is gone. And the best and most important - I lost 22 kg! From 100 to 78kg! The reason is the normalization of blood pressure! Now I can recommend HyperGuard to everyone!
Efua Armah
Thank you for your comments. I do not like to go to the doctor, usually they prescribe expensive drugs or those that I can not get (I remember looking for some eye drops, and they were nowhere in the city). What to say, doctors are not trying to fight the main problem. My fingers are often numb. Thanks to your feedback, I'll try HyperGuard now. Even if numbness has another reason, cleaning the vessels will not hurt! After all, it is a natural product, it has many advantages. Thank you!
Thanks for the article. I recently had cholesterol tests, and my doctor prescribed me a very expensive medicine. Until I take it, I'd better try HyperGuard, the natural composition gives me more confidence.
I've heard about this method of cleaning vessels for a long time, but I haven't tried it yet... If there is also a discount, I think it's time :)
I took a chance and I don't regret it. If you have problems with the vessels, I highly recommend. No side effects, the result struck me
I have high cholesterol, and I was prescribed one drug. But I couldn't take it even for a week, all the lymph nodes were swollen, especially on the neck, and I couldn't turn my head. My eyesight has deteriorated. After four days, I had the feeling that there was fog in front of my eyes. The doctor told me that this is a very bad remedy and it has such an effect. He replaced it with another one, but I was afraid to take it. Now I want to try HyperGuard, I think its natural composition eliminates side effects.
Kwesi Asante
HyperGuard is the best cholesterol treatment! It has no side effects as it is completely natural.
The best remedy for cholesterol is diet!
Amma Darko
The diet prevents the accumulation of new cholesterol, but does not affect the old one. Believe me, I tried different diets.
Cholesterol was 6.8, very high for me. I was always dizzy, my blood pressure was up and I was in a bad mood. After 2 months of receiving HyperGuard I have 3.4. And I feel great. I don't have to check my cholesterol all the time anymore. My friends say I'm even better at talking! I noticed a change in everything.
Yaw Antwi
Thanks for the information. I would like to order this tool, high pressure makes my life difficult ..
I can confirm that HyperGuard is great, it is very economical and efficient! Compared to other products is 10 times cheaper, even without discounts, and the result is held for 10 times longer and has no side effects.
Kwame Mensah I used these drops last year, and then they cost a lot more than they do now. Honestly, I'm not sorry! Although the price was high, we saved on other drugs. And I feel so good that money doesn't matter anymore! At 46, I felt like an old man. I always took some pills, thought I wouldn't live to see my retirement, I often had a headache, I thought I'd rather die... But with this product I forgot about the increased pressure in 2.5 months, feel like a young and healthy PERSON (I hope you understand what I am about)! Therefore, it is worth buying even at the usual price, will not regret! It seems to me that HyperGuard will be banned in the near future, because too many pharmaceutical companies will be left at a loss